Kamis, 17 November 2016

your karaoke song of choice and why

*karaoke songs of my choice is not as beautiful love song naff proper
the reason was because not all of which we hope can always go according to our wishes and this song teaches us about a loyalty or waiting is endless disappointment sincere but very, very sore. The only reason I chose this song.

your favorite place you've traveled to

paporit place that I attended in Pontianak Digulist the garden, and I've never visited the coast beaches in singkawang ie long sand and the beach is in the district named Kayong northern coast of the island Datok
my favorite place is my own hometown because there are many tourist attractions are like islands, mountains and waterfalls kuri ceilings
The only place that I've paorit go

Smartphone apps that you love

Facebook dan youtube
*the reason i like facebook that is where I found many friends and motivation a good motivation and bad
*the reason I like youtube because in the application that we can see the film we wanted 

Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

film yang menggambarkan kehidupan Surga yang tak dirindukan

Narrated, meeting Pras (fedi nuril) and Arini (Laudya Cynthia Bella) like a fairy tale. Pras fell in love with motherly figure Arini. Arini also could not resist the desire of the heart when Pras ask for her hand. Domestic life both running smoothly without any problems.
 The story of love at first sight Arini (Laudya Cynthia Bella) and Pras (fedi nuril) so beautiful. Marriage is then materialized others bring happiness with the presence of Nadia (fruit of love both).
The figure Pras good and faithful always soothing Arini, infidelity stories experienced by women around him, including his close friend, not even bothering Arini confidence against her husband. In order to realize the house in order to continue to be a haven love and Pras, Arini was trying to devote themselves wholeheartedly as a mother and wife.
Pras really wanted to portray a paradise that will always be missed Arini. He did not want to disturb her confidence Arini. Pras also promised not to hurt Arini.
However, destiny trip then leads to a test of love Arini and Pras. One day, on his way to the office, Pras must help a car accident. What a surprise Pras knowing that the victim, a woman in her wedding dress May Rose (raline shah), who attempted suicide, after a man who promised to marry turned out to deceive him.
Meirose very unstable it felt that his life was useless. In fact, Meirose had just given birth to a boy.

Thank you very much...  

Sabtu, 24 September 2016

This speach from participant numbers one to the name = Nurul Husnah

Good morning
Ladies and gelement as we know taht west borneo consist of varios ethihic such as Dayaknese,chinese, and malay. Now I'm going to talk about Malay. Malay is one of the native triee of west Borneo that havea vniety unique culture one of them namely Tepung Tawar.
Have you ever herad the tradition of  Tepung Tawar Mayit that usually done for teh family who died a there days funeral. The purpose of Tepung Tawar Mayait is taht family always is getting trials.

Senin, 19 September 2016

Alasan Selfi

My reason Selfi in Kapuas river bank for around the place I 'm Selfi no one and I was very shy photographs in front of a lot of people because it was my pick in a deserted place by the river kapuas thanks hopefully reason I can thank you

Kamis, 08 September 2016


The reason I got Prodi siskom:
the reason I got the computer system because I wanted to deepen computer science and I want to be a reliable computer users.
actual computer system is my second choice, yes it's my first choice college entrance at the Teachers' Training College / STKIP PGRI Pontianak and when registering at UNTAN sifil I chose engineering and computer systems, but at the time of the announcement turns out that qualify sisikom Prodi.

though so I remain grateful because God has given us what can not be anyone else to achieve it and I want to learn taking seriously in order to become a computer technician reliable as the technicians komputeryang in Indonesia and around the world the only reason I entered Prodi system computer may in this perodi I could find my identity and can boast a second person my parents.
 hopefully I can pass on this siskom Prodi and can reach eight semesters study should be completed and hopefully graduation prayers of parents and friends all along I always amin.
hopefully my reason this makes sense and can be accepted by the faculty and study program. Mother hopefully pleasing look and read this reason I thank you.